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 ------ Adon ------

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MATong Po

MATong Po

Брой мнения : 8
Join date : 29.12.2010

------ Adon ------ Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: ------ Adon ------   ------ Adon ------ Icon_minitimeСря Дек 29, 2010 8:50 am

Name: Adon
Years: 19
Race: Human
Muay Thai expert, superhuman durability, when he wants, he can activate
the ability to become unapproachable, full-fire and air control,
instant teleport to unlimited distance
Adon fights with a more dynamic and acrobatic form of Muay Thai. The
Jaguar Kick allows Adon to leap over projectile attacks to strike his
opponent. The Rising Jaguar is a double knee thrust capable of
intercepting airbore attackers at a low angle, and passing though
projectile attacks. The Jaguar Tooth, Adon's most versatile special
move, allows Adon to leap off the edge of the screen to either strike
his opponent, or surprise them by landing early and delivering an
alternate attack. These techniques are all highly effective at
countering projectile-users, so they give him a slight edge against
characters such as Ryu and Ken.
Adon has the distinction of being perhaps the only character in Street Fighter history with a special move activated by a single press of a single button. When using X-Ism Adon in Street Fighter Alpha 3,
pressing any kick button while jumping will execute his trademark
Jaguar Kick. However, this version of the Jaguar Kick does not inflict
block damage, unlike the technique's incarnations in other fighting
modes (or every other non-grapple special move, for that matter).
------ Adon ------ 270px-27_adon10
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Брой мнения : 68
Join date : 29.12.2010

------ Adon ------ Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: ------ Adon ------   ------ Adon ------ Icon_minitimeСря Дек 29, 2010 8:52 am

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------ Adon ------
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